Wednesday, April 2, 2008

i realize that i never finished my blog. in fact, i didn't really fill in the blanks past my first day in obama, and believe me... the trip got real mental right after that! so, now that i have some time i am going to try and recall everything i did. plus, my co-workers took me out to kabuto, a local japanese steakhouse, for dinner last night so i could show them my pictures. so i got all sentimental again thinking about all the cool things i did on my trip! gotta write it down before i forget, like my second trip to england... upon entrance to japan, at the passport stamping station, the guy was like "oh you've been to england three times!" and i was like hmm, no only two. good thing i didn't say that out loud because i'll bet he would have had me brought to the holding cell because yeah! i have been to england three times. i just totally spaced out and completely forgot that trip. bummer! and i won't let that happen to this japan trip. way too cool to forget.

ps, i miss you tesni, nicole, jordan, adam and jeremy. oh and mika, john and shinya too. i wish we could all just travel the world together forever!

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